The month of November is full of traditions and celebrations that are not limited to the United States. While Thanksgiving is the most popular holiday celebrated in the United States, other countries around the world also celebrate November. In fact, there are 6 traditional holidays that occur in November. Here are some of them, and what you can expect to experience on these days.
Holiday 1: Thanksgiving
On November 19, Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address, and on November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. November 25 is American Indian Heritage Day. On November 24, the US holds mid-term elections. Finally, November 26 is Thanksgiving Day. It’s the first Thanksgiving in North America, but was only officially declared a holiday in 1777.
Holiday 2: Day of the Dead
November also marks the end of Daylight Savings, so be sure to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night. In addition, November 6th marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. It’s a great time to start writing holiday letters! Also in November, the first few days of the month are All Souls’ Day of the Dead, otherwise known as Dia de los Muertos, which is the Spanish word for “day of the dead.”

Holiday 3: The Season of Giving
November also marks the beginning of the season of giving, which spans from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. In fact, the giving season can actually begin before Thanksgiving, with World Kindness Day on Nov. 1. The Saturday before Thanksgiving, Family Volunteer Day, teaches children the importance of volunteering and showing gratitude. There are many more ways to honor this holiday month.
Holiday 4: All Saint’s Day
Another holiday to celebrate during November is All Saints Day, a day dedicated to the saints in the Christian church. Diabetic eye disease awareness is celebrated throughout the month of November, and National Mason Jar Day honors Mason jars. You can even celebrate cooking for your pets on National Cook For Your Pet Day. There is also National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week.
Holiday 5: The Day of Tradition
Among the many festivals and holidays, El Dia de la Tradicion (the Day of Tradition) is part of a week-long festival in Argentina. It is a time of celebration for celebrated Argentinian writer Jose Hernandez. Known as a gaucho, Hernandez was a self-taught writer who wrote an important piece of Argentinian literature.
Holiday 6: Thanksgiving Internationally
The most popular holiday in November is Thanksgiving. While it is not celebrated in all countries, the U.S. holiday is observed in Canada and in other languages. In some languages, however, thanksgiving is celebrated in mid-October. While English uses the word “Thanksgiving”, Polish uses a more complex phrase. The French version, on the other hand, has two options: Bonne Action de Grace and Joyeux Action de Grace.
There are many different ways to have fun, celebrate and enjoy yourself on holiday in November. Despite the colder weather, this is a good opportunity to take a holiday. There is no loss of celebrations this month, and they create the opportunity for November Holidays that show you more about a new culture, as well as beautiful scenery.